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About 80% of general aviation aircraft fly using Lycoming engines. Clearing the trees at the end of the runway. Leaving 4500ft for 6500ft. Maintaining airflow and generating lift across the wings. All are impossible without a reliable engine. Lycoming powers my training aircraft and so fuels my quest for a private pilot certificate. This blog is a record of my thoughts and experiences on life, flight, and learning.

29 February 2008

No End in Sight

I recently watched this first-rate documentary about the war in Iraq, and the subsequent occupation. Since this war has been going on for almost five years, you forget about the reports of chaos and rioting that were happening in 2003. It's an honest look at the failures of the Bush administration in planning for an extended occupation. Contrast that with the intense planning that happened almost two years in advance for the occupation of Germany following WWII, and you can begin to see how this whole conflict has been mismanaged by a bunch of NeoCon hacks. Again, thanks to the freedom of the internet, you can watch it here.


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