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About 80% of general aviation aircraft fly using Lycoming engines. Clearing the trees at the end of the runway. Leaving 4500ft for 6500ft. Maintaining airflow and generating lift across the wings. All are impossible without a reliable engine. Lycoming powers my training aircraft and so fuels my quest for a private pilot certificate. This blog is a record of my thoughts and experiences on life, flight, and learning.

10 April 2007

Two Guys in a Plane (R-T-W!!)

This will make you want to fly around the world. Right now, these guys are in Bali, but the photos crossing the mountains in Turkey, Iran, and India were simply amazing. I suppose that it's a lot safer for a pilot of German extraction to fly around the world than a US citizen, but there are quite a few US pilots that make the trip as well. I wonder what 100LL costs in Khatmandu?


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