Powered by Lycoming

About 80% of general aviation aircraft fly using Lycoming engines. Clearing the trees at the end of the runway. Leaving 4500ft for 6500ft. Maintaining airflow and generating lift across the wings. All are impossible without a reliable engine. Lycoming powers my training aircraft and so fuels my quest for a private pilot certificate. This blog is a record of my thoughts and experiences on life, flight, and learning.

23 August 2007

McHale's Navy

I have rediscovered a real gem of a TV show. McHale's Navy used to be on TV right before dinner when I was growing up, and I loved watching the adventures (and mis-adventures) of the crew of the PT-73. Years later, I have found DVD eposides of this show on Netflix, and have been glued to the tube ever since. I'm really surprised at how watching these episodes clears out the cobwebs from the corners of my brain and I remember sitting on the floor with my brothers while Mom makes dinner and Dad comes home smelling like t-butyl-whatever. Good memories of many many years ago....who said TV is a waste of time?:)


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