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About 80% of general aviation aircraft fly using Lycoming engines. Clearing the trees at the end of the runway. Leaving 4500ft for 6500ft. Maintaining airflow and generating lift across the wings. All are impossible without a reliable engine. Lycoming powers my training aircraft and so fuels my quest for a private pilot certificate. This blog is a record of my thoughts and experiences on life, flight, and learning.

20 January 2008

Central Planning, anyone?

Good article on the fallacies of central planning by Jim Fedako. I live in a rural area where a new ethanol plant has just started grinding corn to make ethanol for fuel. I've heard of the oil for food program, but food into oil? Good thing that we can't figure all this stuff out on our own. I'm so glad that the government is here to help us make sense of our lives. What would I do with all that freedom? I'm sure that I would waste my life doing something unproductive like flying....


  • At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Dan,

    The 10 planks sound alot like our current situation + the remainder of the leftist platform here today. It's a classic case of eating the elephant one bite at a time - it goes down much easier. The politicians have this figured out. (And from what I hear, it tastes like chicken)

    - Tim H.


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